Saturday, 29 December 2007

Unusuall Places in Klagenfurt

After truely shocking results from a normal photo lab, I decided I have to get something good, so I went in my bathroom and did my own film. While I was picking up the film today, I noticed a book in the city about Lubeljana, a town in slovenia. There were a few photos from wrecked buildings, and I thought I could do that here too.

I still had a roll of Tmax400 24 frames, and for some grain and higher contrast, I shoot it at ISO 1600. To get that effect even stronger, I developed it in XTOL 1+1 at 27°C/80°F. To my surprise, there was still almost no grain. Lovely film.

I'm really amazed by the TMAX, you can almost read the sign there.

The 24mm works nice with foreground.

Someone put out some catfoot and water. Bad for cats, water was frozen.

The text says "Are you effected?"

The front is protected by law, so they just ripped the back appart.

Took me some time to find that place again, love the texture. 1/4 , f2,8

The old cinema in town, like the bike there.

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