Saturday, 10 November 2007

Rolls from the Past

I almost forgot about them, those were the last rolls I developed in my old Lab at university. Until they shut it down. There were 2 rolls of ORWO 125 and 1 Roll of APX 400. Somehow the ORWO films looked much worser then the APX film, the first ORWO had a real bad scratch right in the middle of the film, and both ORWOs had some strange black/opaque dots on the fiulm, what showed up as tiny white dots on the scan. There were really lot on the first one, but the 2nd one was better. What I've been told, its either a fault of the used fixer or the water I used there wasn't good. Will try that again with destilled water once I have a new lab. The APX was, however, perfect. As usuall :)

All taken with the Bessa and 35/1,7, eithe Orwopan 125 or APX 400 in Neofin Red. Enjoy!

One of the few frames from the first ORWO, MeetUp for the Photowalk in Villach

One more from the frist roll, gave up after that. Women in doorway.

From now, APX 400 in Neofin Red

One of Werners friend, near the Cinema in Vienna.

Asking for the way in Vienna

I guess noone used that bike for a while

Floating head at the MQ

Relaxing in the MQ

Sleeping in the MQ

Getting a "Werner the Brave" mug (at least I think that was it :) )

More gifts

Sidetalk on the table

Chatting with the guests

Me (thats the name) at the party

Werner ordered a 5l beer pillar for the party, put he placed it very bad :)

Lovely Smoke there

Someone enjoys the party

Across the table

On the phone

Writing a poem for Werner

So, that was the APX 40, back to the 2nd ORWO, it was still far from the APX, but still much better then the first one.

People watching the highland games in Klagenfurt


Hill-Running: Jump over a block of straw, runn up a hill and hit the bell.

One more hitting

And another one

Now a small change of location, my uncle from germany was over here in summer with his 3 small kids. Everyone loved them :D

My Mum with one of the twines

My cousin Franziska making bubbles

More bubbles

Much more bubbles
And this time with help of my other cousin, Markus

And now the last one, driving around with Michi. Thats why i like to sit in the back :)

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